Hey. Hey, thanks for tuning in again for another new episode of the Simply Booked Podcast. This week I am talking about when you know it's time to outsource your bookkeeping. If you listen to my episode two weeks ago, you'll know that I just outsourced my podcast management. And not to sound overly dramatic, but I had a.
Shifting experience on that day that I decided to hire CEO Power. So go back and listen if you haven't already because I am going to build on that premise. I felt so strongly about the power of outsourcing that I really wanted to recreate that feeling that I had for my clients who hired me to do their bookkeeping.
I really let myself feel all of the feelings and soak it all in, and I documented my experience as best as I could. So what I hope to accomplish in this episode is helping you determine. When it's the right time to outsource your bookkeeping, to be sure that you are outsourcing at the right time for you when it feels the most aligned with your.
And give you the confidence boosted and a sense of freedom that you need to propel your business to the next level of success. What I'm not saying in this episode is to push you to outsource. If you're not ready, I'm not going to list off reasons to force you into anything that doesn't feel right.
That's the opposite of what I'm wanting to accomplish. If it doesn't feel right to you, it isn't right. End of story. I just want to get the wheels turning in your head and possibly help you realize what you already know. If you feel like you don't have enough hours in the day, that's a good place to start.
If you're awake, burning the midnight oil while the rest of your family is asleep, and then you require a few extra shots of espresso in your coffee the next morning to get going. I'm talking to you. You already know this is not sustainable. I feel the same way, and that's when I came to a breaking point myself.
The question is, what tasks are you doing right now that you know could be done better? Where are you cutting corner? What tasks do you push to the bottom of your to-do list every freaking time? What tasks do you wait until right up until an external deadline, like tax time to finally light a fire in you to get them done?
I could have just said, What tasks do you hate doing? But if you're like me, there really isn't anything in my business that I quote unquote hate doing. So these questions that I've led you through should hopefully give you an idea of some things that stand out in your business that you 📍 don't like doing.
If those items are financial in nature, that means it's time for you to hire a bookkeeper. Let's pretend for a minute that you found the perfect bookkeeper to outsource too. You have found someone that you trust, someone who is patient with your question. Someone who puts you at ease when you send over your bank statements and bear your financial soul knowing that they won't judge the current state of your books and give you confidence that they can take it on and get the job done better than you ever could.
They won't cut corners that you've been cutting. They will prioritize these tasks instead of push them down the list like you've been doing. They'll make sure they're done by the IRS deadlines that you might not even be aware of. They can provide you with efficiencies and tips that you never knew existed or give you the motivation to put a budget in place because you know the administrative work of organizing the bank accounts.
Reconciling to bank statements is all taken care of. You have an expert that you can strategize with when necessary, and someone to confide in when you're feeling strained or guidance to support a shift of your business or starting new revenue streams after taking some time to imagine that perfect person or agency to outsource your bookkeeping too.
How does that, Do you get emotional to think of how relieved you'll be when you know you can scratch those tasks off your to-do list once and for all? Do you trust your instincts enough to know when to act once you find the right fit and take that leap of faith in yourself and the person you're outsourcing to?
On the other hand, does anything about that pretend scenario feel forced or contrived? Are you not fully able to imagine those things I mentioned? Because you're too worried about not knowing how you'll pay for this service in the first place. Are you focusing on the fear of letting go of a task that ought to be done by you because you always thought that was the right thing to do?
Some business owners get stuck thinking that they aren't a true CEO unless they manage all of their finances themselves, but friend , it doesn't have to be that. A true CEO focuses on the tasks at hand and runs the business from a zoomed out perspective, not caught in the weeds of bookkeeping tasks. Take all of your assumptions of what you should be doing and throw them out the window and listen to me when I say you should be doing what you want to be doing.
That's the reason you started your business in the first place. I'm a huge advocate of knowing your numbers every month and not just once a. Sure Uncle Sam is only concerned to see your profit once a year when it's time to pay him. But knowing your numbers every month will help you as the business owner so you can know where to focus your marketing efforts.
You know where to slim down on expenses before things get out of hand. You know where to invest in a revenue stream that might be selling more than the others without much effort on your part. If you can get something passive going easily, that's where you need to focus. My main point is that when you have tasks that you are feeling drawn to outsource and combine that with the perfect person to outsource too, you end up with a combination that boosts your confidence and elevates your business and mindset to the next level.
You can ride that wave of freedom and motivation into other tasks that suddenly you have more time to focus on and give them the effort they deserve. That's a whole nother level right there, and the goal is to repeat the outsourcing until you can look at your to-do list and know that every single thing on that list is something that fills you up.
It delights you to do them, and you wouldn't outsource them. Even if someone paid you to take them off your plate, you just love them. Those are the tasks that you get to choose to do as the CEO of your own business. If my bookkeeping example really resonated with you in this episode, I would love to chat with you about taking this off your plate once and for all.
You don't need to get anything ready before we chat. Come as you are, bring your mess, and walk away feeling so much lighter. Thank you for tuning into this episode, and I'll see you next time.