Hello, my friends. This episode is a big one for me. I recently outsourced my podcast management to an agency called CEO Power. You might be wondering, what the heck does that mean? Don't you just hit record and then upload the file? I wish it was that simple, and in fact, it is that simple for me now that I outsourced the rest.
Because prior to this episode, I was doing all of the strategy, recording, editing, mixing, scheduling, and posting myself along with scheduling all of the relevant social media posts, and emails, all of that every two weeks. I didn't anticipate that my podcast would be the first thing that I decided to outsource in my business, but I quickly realized that having a podcast has been so beneficial to not only get my name out there, but I feel so confident as a business owner now.
I've always loved listening to podcasts, so I feel like I'm in the club. So it's, definitely a mindset shift that I feel. Like I've arrived if that makes sense. So I definitely wanted to double down and get some of my time back from the back-end production aspect of it so I could be more intentional with the content portion.
It was such an empowering and emotional day for me when I hired Tara and her team at CEO Power. I feel. I've taken a giant leap forward in my business and I've talked before about how I have good instincts when it comes to my business, and I see a lot of success when I'm able to act on those instincts quickly, and this is a really good example of that and trusting my gut.
And taking a big leap of faith to let go of these tasks that frankly, I don't love doing. I have been waiting till the last minute to get them done, and I've been cutting corners and just because I can do something doesn't mean I should be doing it. I notice that I would be up really late at night recording episodes, getting all of the rest of everything done, and for.
For just to have a podcast and I wasn't being intentional with it. And now I'm able to take it up like three notches because I have the support and I have accountability. The accountability piece is really huge because I'm not just doing this for myself now, but I have a whole team of people waiting for me to get it done.
So I think that's a lesson in and of itself really. I felt so emotional that day. Because I really, I started the week not thinking that I wanted to outsource my podcast, but I just got the idea one night. So I started scrolling and looking for service providers. I reached out to a couple, and Tara was actually the only one that responded to my inquiry.
Right away, like the next morning. And I honestly have always seen CEO Power as the best of the best. I just happened to see the night that I was putting my kids to bed. I always have to wait in the room with them while they fall asleep. I. So I scroll on my phone and I saw that Tara had posted a customizable Build Your Own Podcast package, and that's actually what made me reach out to her.
I thought, Build your own. That sounds really good because I know that my podcast is every two weeks instead of every week, and I have certain things that I would probably do differently than someone who has a weekly podcast. Just the fact that she would be willing to customize a package for me meant a lot.
So when she responded right away, it was almost like I knew immediately before I even read her email. And it wasn't just an email, it was a PDF file of a big proposal, and I loved it. It was so nice. Actually, I've learned a lot about how I want to deliver my services to clients, so this was a really nice experience for me to go through as a client of hers.
So I think. There are certain things that you experience in your business that make you feel like you've just leveled up, and I know that you probably know what I'm talking about if you've been in business for at least a year or so, but I think that the first event when I fell that way was when I registered my LLC.
And got a tax id. Just having some legal stuff out of the way up front really helped me take myself and my business seriously right from the beginning. So if you struggle with feeling like your business is a side gig and haven't done this step yet, I highly recommend it. I have a new biz. Quick start.
That I will link in the show notes if you need help with where to even begin because it is hard to know what you're even doing. A lot of people will even have a business. They're solo entrepreneurs and haven't really gone through the process of protecting their legal entity as an llc. And I can talk more about that on another episode, but I really think that is one step and it's not that expensive, at least in Oklahoma, where I live to form an llc.
And it does wonder. For your mindset and getting yourself to take your business seriously, cuz that's the first step. If you don't take yourself seriously. No one else will either. The second thing that made me feel super legitimate as a business owner was when I determined it was time to raise my prices.
I started getting confirmation from my clients about how helpful and valuable it was for them to see their financial statements each month. Some didn't know they were profitable yet and realize that they were, and others were able to spot areas where they were bleeding money right away. It's something that you don't really think about unless you see this month after month.
So the crazy thing was that raising my prices didn't slow down my leads at all. It just helped more qualified clients find me. There's something weird psychologically that happens when you underprice yourself, you feel like you are not as, And your clients feel like that as well. Part of taking yourself seriously is charging what you're worth.
So when you increase your prices to a fee that feels good and is aligned with your true value from a client's perspective, you elevate your potential clients to attract those who are more confident and empowered on their own. So if they're an empowered client making empowered decisions, They will find you and will already have decided that they wanna work with you.
So that leads me to this most recent event. Outsourcing for the first time in my business. There's really something special that you feel as an entrepreneur. I know a lot of you feel this when you first are able to pay yourself, and then that feeling really skyrockets a few notches when you're able to pay someone else to take something off of your plate.
That's exactly what happened to me and exactly what my clients feel when they hire me. I take their most dreaded task. And perform them better than they can themselves. And I meet deadlines without them having to worry. You could even argue that I meet deadlines that they didn't even know existed with the IRS.
It's kind of crazy. So the big leap here was that I am now trading money for time instead of trading time for money. So when you're starting out your business, you really just have nothing but time. Your time is your biggest asset because you can work until midnight and burn that midnight oil on every little project, and then there comes a time where you kind of get tired of that and it starts to drain you.
So if you're feeling the urge to outsource, here's my advice. When the instinct hits, start searching for the right fit. Whether that be a virtual assistant, a bookkeeper, a podcast agency, a copywriter, website designer, start doing some research and fill out some contact forms so you can get the conversation started.
Trust that the right fit will show up at the right time when everything feels right. Act on your instincts and trust that you feel pulled towards the right offer in the right person or agency that you should be hiring in the first place. So in the meantime, I'm over here cheering you on, hoping that you follow your dreams, hoping that you trust your instincts, and are willing to take a leap of faith and really take those big steps that are going to really compound your confidence in your business.
Thank you so much for listening to this episode, and I will see you next time.